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Wednesday 25 May 2016

LIFE after college

In India, we usually do engineering first and then find our passion for something completely different... this has become a cliche statement now.

But I myself will pass out from my engineering soon, I do have many interests and I would like to have these interest to continue to exist till forever, but does it necessarily mean my interests should be converted into career options? 

The funny thing about our interests is that they continue to evolve with time, for example...

As a kid in my primary school days, I would tirelessly ride my bicycle with my friends, showing off, attaching bright led lights and horns on my bicycle and so on (I believed I would be a 'motorcycle racer' some day). When it came to high school, I was all about PC gaming, everything from FPS shooting, strategy games to role playing, I had covered almost the whole "gaming spectrum" (I believed I would be 'the greatest gamer' in the world some day). In my course of electronics engineering, I was all about robotics, mobile phones and other gadgets and programming (I believe I will contribute and put lots of effort when i finally start working in some company, but then, my college placements aren't the best, and I have heard a few seniors giving feedback about their experiences, and they are not good!)

As u may see my interests varied according to the different stages of life I went through, the different situations my life put me in and just the level of maturity one attains as we grow up (well, my maturity is quiet low, but don't tell that to the HR's of any company... hehe) . 

Certainly I do not mean any disrespect to the great artists, actors, musicians and sports personalities who have chased their dreams from the very beginning and have achieved success in their fields. But let me remind you that, what they chased was their 'passion' and not 'interests' , there is a huge difference which is evident when you pursue them in the long run.

I've been reading a few books, looking up Youtube videos for some inspiration and as expected I have found a new interest. But this time its the real deal, this time its 'business', well I am no commerce or management student but the very idea of planning out your money, businesses and resources is quiet interesting if you ask me. so now i ask myself the following question...

What you wanna do?: Corporate job? Business or entrepreneurship? Investing?

then I say to myself...

Whatever it is, I just got to be ready, both mentally and physically for the days ahead. Physically doesn’t simply mean hitting the gym, having big biceps or a flat stomach; its about having more stamina, regulated sleeping habits and ability to work continuously for long a duration, additionally you have to develop good speaking skills and a friendly yet attractive appearance . When we talk about being mentally prepared, it simply doesn’t mean reading books or watching interesting and knowledgeable YouTube videos, its more about applying those principles you’ve read about and realising that the principles are indeed useful and effective in your life; it further also means that you have to develop your memory, your mental abilities, thinking power, dealing with stress and so on...

I am gonna mold myself into one of the best knowledgeable and smart business persons ever, Ill be rich not just with respect to money, but also knowledge, people, family, happiness and all other non materialistic things that would make me a happier man.

This is indeed the next stage of life. The marks aren’t that important now, a 75% is more then enough, 70% being the maximum requirement of most companies. The main challenge now is how you’ll face the world and people; after all if you wanna survive in the industry you should know your stuff well, work on your assignments with full concentration and last but not the least, you should get along with people and win them over.

Life isn’t that easy if you want great things, but its your choice if you want it to be on a path full of struggle or on a path where the journey is fun and worth taking. It wont  be easy, there will be many challenges and set backs, but I know, I believe if we have the persistence, skills, passion and patience we will be successful no matter what career we choose.

  -from pika to pika